Thursday, 13 October 2016

Copyright and Music videos - must read!!

This is the board's guidance on copyright issues and music videos:

'For music video, permission should be sought from the artist for use of the audio track.'

This does not mean that you have to receive their permission but it does mean that you should evidence the fact that you have tried. Previous year groups have emailed the record company or band and asked for copyright permission and then posted the email on their blog sites. It is unusual to get a response but you do not want the artist/label demanding you take your video down or threatening you with legal action after all the work is done. It is not usually an issue (apart from with YouTube) but it is good practice.

Please add this to your research and planning task list. Below is some text you may wish to use in your email.

'I am writing to you to request permission to film a music video version of your song ______________. This forms part of my OCR A-level Media Studies course where my task is to record a music video to a song of my choice. It is only for assessment purposes and will not be used for any commercial or profit seeking purposes. I acknowledge your copyright of the material and will not use it for any other purpose than that stated above.

If you require any further information or clarification regarding the use of this material for educational purposes please contact my teacher Mr Welch ('

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